How to Wear Statement Glasses (Men’s Edition)

How to Wear Statement Glasses (Men's Edition)If you’re looking for a way to spice up your style, statement glasses might be the perfect accessory for you. Statement glasses are eyewear that stand out from the crowd with their bold shapes, colors, or patterns. They can add some personality and flair to your outfit, whether you’re dressing up or down. But how do you wear statement glasses without looking like a clown? Here are some tips to help you rock your statement glasses with confidence.

How to Wear Statement Glasses (Men's Edition)1. Choose the right pair for your face shape. Not all statement glasses are created equal. Some might suit your face shape better than others. For example, if you have a round face, you might want to avoid round glasses that emphasize the curves of your face. Instead, opt for angular or rectangular frames that add some contrast and definition. If you have a square face, you might want to soften the edges with round or oval glasses that balance out your features. If you have an oval face, you’re in luck because most shapes will look good on you. Just make sure the size of the glasses is proportional to your face.

How to Wear Statement Glasses (Men's Edition)2. Match the color of your glasses to your skin tone and hair color. Another factor to consider when choosing statement glasses is the color. You want to pick a color that complements your skin tone and hair color, not clashes with them. For example, if you have warm skin tones and dark hair, you might want to avoid bright or pastel colors that wash you out. Instead, go for warm or earthy tones that enhance your complexion. If you have cool skin tones and light hair, you might want to avoid dull or dark colors that make you look pale. Instead, go for cool or vibrant tones that brighten up your face.

How to Wear Statement Glasses (Men's Edition)3. Coordinate your glasses with your outfit. Once you’ve found the right pair of statement glasses for your face, it’s time to think about how to style them with your outfit. You don’t want to wear something that clashes with your glasses or makes them look out of place. Instead, you want to create a harmonious look that shows off your glasses and your fashion sense. Here are some ways to do that:

How to Wear Statement Glasses (Men's Edition)– Pick a color scheme that matches or contrasts with your glasses. For example, if you’re wearing red glasses, you can either wear red clothes or accessories to create a monochromatic look, or wear colors that contrast with red like green or blue to create a pop of color.
– Choose a style that suits the vibe of your glasses. For example, if you’re wearing retro glasses, you can either wear vintage clothes or accessories to create a nostalgic look, or wear modern clothes or accessories to create a contrast between old and new.
– Avoid wearing too many patterns or prints that compete with your glasses. For example, if you’re wearing floral glasses, you might want to avoid wearing floral clothes or accessories that make your look too busy. Instead, wear solid colors or simple patterns that let your glasses shine.

How to Wear Statement Glasses (Men's Edition)4. Own your look and have fun with it. The most important tip for wearing statement glasses is to have fun with it and own your look. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and colors until you find what works for you. Don’t worry about what other people think or say about your glasses. Remember that statement glasses are meant to make a statement and express yourself. As long as you feel comfortable and confident in your glasses, you’ll look great in them.

How to Wear Statement Glasses (Men's Edition)